印尼致力提升水產品消費量印尼海洋事務暨漁業部部長Fadel Muhammad表示,研究發現很多印尼孩童Omega 3攝取不足,遂號召上百位孕婦上街呼籲社會大眾重視食用水產品的益處,響應當裝潢局積極推廣提高全國水產品消費量的計畫。 印尼政府希望2011年每人年水產品消費量能突破去年的30.47公斤達31.40公斤,2014年達38公斤。印尼每人年水產品消費量(東印尼以40公斤排酒店打工名第一,爪哇島墊底)相較馬來西亞(55.4公斤)及新加坡(37.9公斤)等鄰近國家低落。 (摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 14/2011,1 Aug. 2011)Fish consumption program 宜蘭民宿targets pregnant mothers Hundreds of pregnant mothers packed the Marine and Fisheries Ministry’s Mina Bahari 3 building convention room on Wednesday to join a 室內裝潢familiarization event to socialize the benefits of consuming fish.The event is part of a government program aimed at increasing fish consumption nationwide. 房屋貸款National fish consumption in 2010 was 30.47 kilograms per capita per year. The government hopes to raise the figure to 31.40 kilograms this year and 38 kilograms by 辦公室出租2014. Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Fadel Muhammad said that the government targeted pregnant mothers for the campaign because survey results found that 整合負債many Indonesian children lacked Omega 3. Compared to neighboring countries, fish consumption in Indonesia remains relatively low. Malaysia has reached 55.4 燒烤kilograms per capita per year; Singapore 37.9 kilograms per capita per year.“Java has the lowest fish consumption rate across Indonesia. Eastern Indonesia already 宜蘭民宿has a high fish consumption rate; almost 40 kilograms per capita per year,”

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